速報APP / 天氣 / Sudan Weather

Sudan Weather





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Résidence Clos Campagne 11 rue Nicolas Appert 13013 Marseille

Sudan Weather(圖1)-速報App

Sudan Weather provides current weather and forecasts for all Sudan cities.

Sudan Weather comes with an elegant and intuitive user interface that displays current weather data like temperature or current conditions and also forecasts with charts for high and max temperature.

Sudan Weather(圖2)-速報App

Sudan Weather’s data are available and updated 24h/24 and 7days/7.

=== FEATURES ===

Sudan Weather(圖3)-速報App

More than 100000 locations all around the world in add of Sudan cities.

Current conditions for locations (Temperature, Conditions Icon and Text, Humidity, Wind).

Sudan Weather(圖4)-速報App

Sunrise and sunset for each cities in local hours of city.

Current date of city which data are displayed.

Sudan Weather(圖5)-速報App

Conditions Icon are adapted with sunrise / sunset informations (so moon is displayed when sunset Is finished).

Forecasts for the next 4 days displayed in charts with high and max temperatures.

Sudan Weather(圖6)-速報App

GPS localization of your current city to display current meteo.

Save your favorite cities in a list.

Sudan Weather(圖7)-速報App

For each cities in map you can display temperature, icon conditions or wind conditions.

Share city’s weather of your choice by email, SMS or via social network thanks to a generated image representing weather data.

Sudan Weather(圖8)-速報App

Listen city’s weather in your current language.

Customize user interface.

Select temperature unit (°Celsius or °Farenheit).

3 widgets (4x1 simple widget with current city and temperature, 4x2 forecasts widget and 4x2 clock widget with current city data).